Ethical omnivore

Is one of your new year promises to improve your food habits and ethics? A good way to do that as an omnivore is adopting less waste cooking and taking on the challenge of nose-to-tail eating.
We sell pork sides (halves) where we provide you everything you pay for, including offcuts like trotters, the head (for the brave!), extra skin (spare crackling!), fat (for rendering), and the bones for broth. We have grown our animals with care and attention (if anyone has followed our Instagram stories, they will know what I mean!) and we feel we need to respect the life that we take to sustain ourselves by appreciating all of that animal.
We have January pork sides available right now. Alongside all those yummy offcuts, you get chops, roasts, mince, as well as bacon included. We deliver in the Huon Valley/Channel, with pickups from Bathurst Street for those in Hobart and surrounds.
Hop onto our website for more information and to make your order
#freerangepork #rarebreed #heritagebreed #applefinishedpork #eatyourethics #ethicalomnivore #nosetotaileating #buydirect #buylocal #knowwhereyourmeatcomesfrom